Morris Realty has over 15 years of experience in Property Management and assorted real-estate services. We assist countless tenants and landlords every year. Currently Morris Realty manages properties all over Central Florida and provides excellent service. You will find that we use only the most modern and technically advanced client portal and information services.
We not only say we are effective marketers but we demonstrate it daily. Morris Realty is a dominant force in Central Florida internet marketing. We currently operate and many other websites throughout Central FL trafficked by thousands of people per day. Combine years of experience in networking, highly trained motivated staff and our knowledge of internet marketing and you have a proven winner.
Lakeland FL is a competitive market for renting a home or for property managers. On average 55 homes will rent in just Lakeland every month. Expand that to Auburndale and Winter Haven and you have nearly 100 homes leasing each month. Yes we also handle Winter Haven FL Property Management.
There are several companies which manage properties in this area and you may already be using one of them. If you are interested in making a change then reach out to us. If you are just doing some research and considering leasing your home then we applaud you for doing your due diligence. Feel free to reach out to us when the time is right and let’s place your home on the market so the income can start streaming in.
The lessor is the landlord. The landlord is the owner of the property being leased. Normally the tenant should never meet the landlord. The landlord should deal with the intermediary which is the property management company. A professional management company will have all the tools necessary to keep landlords up to date and paid on time.
The tenant is a vital part of leasing and we strive to keep our tenants happy, safe and secure in their rental home. The tenants also have our client portal which is easy to use and available 24/7 Payments have never been easier and so is contacting our staff when necessary.
Often tenants will be leasing a home while they decide where they wish to purchase. When the time comes for tenants to purchase a home, we are there for them. Relationships are important to Morris Realty after all this is a people business. Hopefully and normally when the time comes for the tenant to purchase their next home we are still there to assist. We also are very familiar with sales and will be there if the landlord ever decides to have us market and sell their home. We are a well rounded fully capable real estate company and are looking forward to being your choice for Lakeland FL Property Management.